Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School

Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School

Winter Weather/Bad Weather Protocols

As we are experiencing colder weather it is really important that ALL the children come to school in a coat. We would also encourage hats and gloves during the colder weather, frost and snow. The children do move around the different buildings in school for assemblies, PE and computing so they need to have suitable clothing. Can I also remind parents about suitable footwear. The children need to wear sensible, dark coloured school shoes/boots. We are more than happy for children to wear wellies during the bad weather but would ask that you send in their school shoes, for them to change into at school, so that we can keep the classrooms clean and dry.

If we have any severe weather, it is my decision as Headteacher to assess whether it is safe and practical to keep the school open to pupils. The decision is made early in the morning so that we can inform you as soon as possible if we need to close. Whenever possible school will remain open but the children’s safety has to be my main concern. I also need to consider the availability of staff who may need to travel to school.

If school is closed to pupils, you will be informed via Parentmail each day. It will also be posted on our school website, Facebook page and on the council website .

School closure information is also shared with local radio stations for them to use in their bulletins. If you do not hear anything from school, please assume that we are open.

Please do ensure that if you change your contact details, you inform the school office so that you will be alerted to any school closures. 

Please also be aware that the roads and paths around school may not be gritted by Kirklees so please take care driving and walking to school.

If school is closed due to bad weather, we will revert to remote learning. The classteacher will email with links for live lessons and/or provide activities for the children to complete at home. The start time for the first lesson could be slightly delayed as staff will need to prepare and share everything via email. Please check your class emails for further details.