As a school, we are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school.
The school follows Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures.
If we have safeguarding concerns regarding a child in school, in most circumstances, we will endeavour to discuss these concerns with parents. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when we will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures).
We will always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents whilst ensuring we are protecting the welfare and safety of the children who attend school.
If parents/carers/members of the public have concerns regarding a child who attends school, we would encourage them to contact the school to discuss their concerns, asking to speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Rebecca Martin or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DDSL) – Ian Tobin and Sharron Goldspink on 01274 651232.
Rebecca Martin (DSL) Ian Tobin (DDSL) Sharron Goldspink (DDSL)
Alternatively you can email the designated safeguarding lead –
It is always in the best interests of the child to discuss your concerns, however small.
If you would like to share a concern anonymously you can phone or email school without leaving your name or contact details. Alternatively, you can post a letter in our parents’ post box which is situated on the gate by the Reception playground.
If you have concerns about a child's safety or welfare in school, which you feel you cannot address with the DSL (Headteacher), or the DDSLs, you can contact the Chair of Governors at:
If you think a child in Kirklees is being abused or mistreated or you have concerns about a child’s well-being or need advice and support about a child with a disability you should call and speak to someone on one of the following numbers:
Kirklees Duty and Advice |
Between 9am and 5pm |
01484 456848 |
If you are a child: |
01484 456848 Or Childline 0800 1111 |
We are an Operation Encompass School and work with external agencies including the Police
Operation Encompass Safeguarding Statement
Policies linked to Safeguarding
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024
Attendance Policy January 2024